Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Messy Rocks

Last night I got a little curious with some lighting practices. I started off making a normal tileable texture and just playing around with it in photshop.

This is my painted rock wall to practice lighting with. 

Normal for the rock wall.

As far as spec goes, I couldn't really decide if this was the better choice or my first one which was a solid black/white spec. I just like the color variation, but it looks a little TOO much like the actual diffuse map.

Above are all maps placed together. Top left is the Diffuse, Top right is the Spec and  the bottom is of course the normal map. In the diffuse slot, the picture was taken while in UDK on a bsp using two pint lights radiating orange and blues to give the brick a little life instead of making them look too flat. 

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